About · Mheecha
bag,backpack,totes,hippack,laptop sleeve, laptop bag,pouch,mheecha,nepal
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Mheecha is a Nepali brand that originates from Kathmandu, Nepal. The word ‘Mheecha’ is a Newa term which means ‘pouch’, also known as ‘Thaili’ or ‘Thailo’ in Nepali. We are inspired by the traditional Mheecha for its minimal, classy design and its strength and durability. Keeping these principles in mind, we design and develop our products.


“The minimal design concept is applied to every design that we come up with.”


Our team is committed to provide excellence in the designs and final products that we produce. For long, the Nepali consumer market has seen differences in local and export quality products. We are determined to maintain world-class standards in every product we manufacture and sell, whether be it locally or globally.

The minimal design concept is applied to every design that we come up with. Our products are stripped down to fundamental elements. We stick to clean and simple content. This applies not only to our products, but throughout the company-wide belief system.

Finally, we are proud that all our product designs and manufacturing are done in Nepal. All the designs are unique to us and are handmade here in Nepal.